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Mainland, the Continent of Alu'Drial


City of Lirath
Village of Stowe


Valeris,area around the cliff face
Cave near wemic
City of Rhone
Rhea, halflings homeland
Gnomish Tunnels behind Rhone
Encampment of Qu'ar'aband
Valeris Swamp
Valeris Forest
Troll Cavern under Valeris Forest
Llewellyn Castle
City of Pesvint and nearby region
Castle Laodicea
Jotan area
City of Treeth
Stronghold of Faith with road to Hylar
Kilgoran area -forest (Way to Storm Dragoness -part 1)
Kilgoran area -village (Way to SD -part 2)
Kilgoran area -caverns (Way to SD -part 3)
Selune's Castle
Village of Lourk, Carthak's Tower and Ice cave (behind the mirror in Selune's Castle)
City of Eternia and areas below
Trail to Yikaria


Thelbane central area around Giant Oak
Thelbane mountains area, way to Amador
City of Amador, capital of Thelbane
Area east of Amador (Sheffield grove,pier)
Castle of Von Barnekow
Elven Forest
City of Mithris and Dwarven Mines


The Mystic Keep and Cardiff Village
Misty Cavern
Treemalking forest and Manetheren Wilderness
Treemalking Tunnels
Grey Mountain (Sliabh-Liath)
Tyrniall, Dwarven Kingdom
Manethern Highway and surroundings (east of Lirath)
Manetheren Marsh and Woodlands (area between Serrllach and Iapage,Treemalking,and Yotera)
City of Serrllach and nearby region
Greywynd Castle
Drunsen pass (area between Mithris and Iapage)
Annwnwyn (faerie land)
City of Iapage
Fortress Ciudadela de Peafiel
Village of Yotera, Hiroi plains, Takamori Forest
City of Kai-Thaan
Kai-Thaan Palace
Synn's lair (Tower of Enlightenment)
Balfour, Outer city
Balfour, Farm
Balfour, Inner city


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